Applicable law

Your insurance policies insured through Assikura Insurance Brokers PCC Limited are Maltese contracts and will be governed by Maltese Law unless otherwise indicated in the insurance policy.


Language and wording prevalence 

Our approach is to develop and maintain tailored insurance solutions and build a strong partnership with our clients. Thoroughly understanding our client specific needs and concerns is the first essential step. We will inform you and explain the types of insurance cover available, answer any queries and help our clients work out what they really need. In our client's stead, we will request insurance quotations from the insurers who can offer the most suitable protection, review the policy wordings, compare the terms and conditions and finally negotiate these with the preferred insurance provider/s to secure broad insurance protection at great pricing! This means that our clients benefit from expert advice and can save money. 

Our high standards of service will continue to efficiently support our clients on the day to day requirements of their insurance programe.


Status of organisation, how it is licensed and operates

Assikura Insurance Brokers PCC Limited (C-28074) is enrolled under the Insurance Distribution Act (Chapter 487) of the Laws of Malta to carry on business of Insurance Broking, is a Protected Cell Company in terms of the Companies Act (cell companies carrying on business of insurance) regulations 2010 and is licensed and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) of Notabile Road Attard BKR3000 Malta.


Atlas Healthcare cell is owned by Atlas Healthcare Insurance Agency which distributes health insurance for Atlas Insurance PCC Limited, the latter being reinsured by AXA PPP healthcare Limited which is a member of the AXA group.

Atlas Holdings Ltd owns 40% of Assikura Insurance Brokers PCC Ltd.


Remuneration and Conflict of interest

We will ensure that your rights and interests are at the forefront and any service we provide is independent, impartial and safeguards your best interest.

Should there be any potential or actual conflict of interest, this will be declared to you immediately so that your relationship with us and the advice/service we give to you will always be transparent and open to your fair judgement.

Should you feel that a conflict of interest arises or could arise, you are advised to contact the compliance officer at Assikura Insurance Brokers PCC Limited immediately, who would take prompt notice and action your concerns accordingly.

We receive a commission (brokerage) from insurers on the business we place with them. The commission normally takes the form of a percentage on the premium applicable and this is fully borne by the insurer and NOT yourself. To the premium quoted, we may charge a fixed broker fee which will be shown on the quotation as part of the total premium due.

In return you will receive our broking service which guarantees the best insurance product and service to secure your insurance needs and also the most competitive price in the market at the time.


Disclosure of material facts

You are reminded of your on-going responsibility to advise us, as your brokers, of all material information prior to the conclusion of the contract, throughout the duration of the contract and at renewal. Such facts must be disclosed to us truthfully and honestly since these might have a bearing on the validity of the insurance contract. If you are unsure whether a matter requires disclosure, please contact us.


Policy limitations and special conditions, warranties and clauses

We will provide information on the best products and services available in the market to match your insurance needs. Nevertheless, you should always review the terms and conditions of our documentation to ensure your requests are fulfilled. Particular attention is to be given to policy limitations, adequacy of the sums insured, special conditions, warranties and clauses which may have an impact on the interpretation and cover of the policy. Should you require any clarifications we urge you to get in touch with us.



Insurance policy cover is subject to the payment of the premium or an agreement to pay the premium. This also applies to any changes during the term of the contract and at renewal when the policy expires. In this respect, you are to ensure that you provide clear and timely instructions to us and effect the corresponding premium payments.

You will receive confirmation in writing from us upon the processing of your payment.


Lodging a Claim

In the event of a loss, you are advised to contact us immediately to enable us provide you with prompt assistance and support. This is especially important since most policies will carry a condition requesting the lodging of a claim within a timeframe.

You should not admit liability or agree to settle or commit yourself to blame or liability without first having consulted with us. Doing so may prejudice the validity of your claim.

Where necessary and upon agreement with you, Assikura may at your expense, appoint its expert representative to undertake loss adjusting duties and/or repairs of the property or motor vehicle.


Protection and Compensation fund

A special fund has been established under the Protection and Compensation Fund Regulations of 2003. The fund is made up of contributions by locally licensed insurers and provides limited compensation to policyholders if one of these insurers becomes insolvent. Payments out of the funds are made in respect of protected risks only and to qualified persons. Such a fund may not be applicable and hence not available in the case of the business transacted by the cell/s.


Data Protection Statement and Privacy Notice

You can communicate with us about your concerns in writing by any reasonable means and any correspondence with us will always be free of charge. We assure you that feedback is always welcome as it enables us to identify ways to improve our service. Rest assured that we will always treat you fairly, equally and promptly. We will keep your records in accordance with the Data Protection Act and you have the right to request information about the progress of your concerns.


Complaints Policy

We wish to assure that you are always satisfied with our service. If not, we wish to learn about any differences you may have with us to enable us reach a fair and amicable arrangement. In this respect, we have created a complaints channel via this form click here for form which will be handled and acted upon by our senior management and compliance officer. In due time, we will provide you with our decision which will be based on your rights, best interest, policy provisions and market practice. If in the event you are still unsatisfied with our decision you have a right to take your complaint further to the

Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services N/S in Regional Road Msida MSD 1920

Phone: (+356) 21 249 245 | Freephone: 8007 2366 | Email: